
Daniel Kanner was featured on popular shows like Breakfast Television and Rogers Daytime

A Member of BNI Referral Source


Daniel Kanner BA (Kin) is a Registered TCM Practitioner and Acupuncturist (R.TCMP, R.Ac) focusing on acupuncture.

Acupuncture is a therapeutic modality of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and it has been practiced for 5,000 years.

Fine needles are inserted into specific points on the body to restore the balance of Yin and Yang and allow the Qi (vital energy) to flow freely through the channels or meridians.

Daniel is a full member in good standing of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Physicians Association of Canada (TCMPAC), and he is certified in Clean Needle Technique (from the Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine).